By: Elizabeth F. Williams, M.S. CCC-SLP
Here are some fun, free ideas for parents to incorporate water and sand into speech and language learning throughout the summer:
What To Do: There are so many ideas on what you can do with water and kids.
You can:
Travel to the beach
Go to the pool
Get out a water table and toys
Throw water balloons
Water your garden and flowers
Turn on a sprinkler
Use the water hose
Fill up buckets, cups, and funnels
Some Target Goals:
Concepts: Wet vs Dry, Full vs Empty, Deep vs Shallow, High Tide vs Low Tide
Articulation: Say 1-10 words with your sound and then throw a water balloon at a target (or parent 😊).
Vocabulary: Wet, Dry, Full, Empty, Big, Little, Half, Full, Splash, Ocean, Bay, Jump, Swim
Following Directions: Give each other directions, such as “fill up the big bucket; throw the green water balloon; or water the tomatoes after you water the cucumbers.”
Social Skills: initiate, maintain, and conclude topics of conversation
What To Do: Play with sand!
You can:
Make a sand box
Fill a large plastic tub or container with sand
Go to the beach
Some Target Goals:
Concepts: Dig vs Bury, Build vs Knock Down, Construct vs Destroy
Articulation: Bury objects that match your child’s articulation goal/s and in the sand. Have fun finding them and labeling them with your target sound/s.
Vocabulary: Dig, Sand, Soft, Pour, Build, Castle, Pack, Dump
Following Directions: Give each other directions, such as, “find the shovel; fill up the blue bucket before the red one; or run to the little sandcastle."
Social Skills: practice taking turns, practice asking for items out of reach