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Helping with Santa's List - My Top Toy Recommendations. They are Fun, Economical, & Educational!

As Black Friday and the holiday season quickly approach, I would love to share my favorite toys with you that can help promote speech and language skills. These toys are not only lots of fun and educational, but they are also economical.

Please keep them in mind as you shop for the children on your gift-giving list.

1- My all-time favorite is Mr. Potato Head. This toy is very versatile! Please see INFORMATION on 12 ways to use Mr. Potato Head to entertain your child and help their speech and language skills grow.

2- Coming in a close second is bubbles! You can use bubbles as a reward or for motivation. You can also use them to help children with their articulation skills, receptive and expressive language skills, social language skills, as well as executive functioning skills. Please access this LINK for information that outlines many language-rich “bubble activities” to engage in with your child.

3- Rounding out number 3 on my list are dollhouses. They allow you to use language and vocabulary your child encounters daily. They foster imaginary play, which is critical to your child’s development. Access this LINK for a helpful guide that will show you on how to use this toy to help your child’s speech and language skills progress.


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